Alt-week peels back the covers on some of the more curious sci-tech stories from the last seven days.
This week we swing by some superhero news, look at how solar panels
might shape up in the future, explore a Lego forest and see how to grab
dark matter just using some household gold and strands of DNA. Not only
that, we discover how the sun likes to celebrate the fourth of July with
its own firework display. This is alt / week
While the majority of the science community had its eyes firmly fixed on one
elusive atomic unicorn, small steps were being made in finding another --
dark matter.
Scientists have hung a lot of theory on this invisible peg, and its
very nature is also what makes it hard to find. After all, how do you
find something that neither emits nor absorbs light? Well, as it happens
many great minds are trying to figure that out, and one of the
latest approaches comes with a bunch of cunning.
The coordinated effort involves University of Michigan's Katherin Freese and Harvard's George Church, along with some
and some gold. Obviously. The gold is laid out in a thin sheet, with
the DNA hanging below it in threads, and the idea is that the clumsy
dark matter will collide with the gold atoms, forcing it out of the
sheet and cutting through the DNA like grass. As each strand of DNA has
an identifier, this also means the trajectory can be worked out. Simple.
know who else's DNA got messed up? That's right, Spider-man. With the
latest installment in the movie franchise hitting cinemas this week, we
pleased to find out that
directors have been consulting scientists directly to sharpen up their
in-film academia. What now? In short, rather than have a theater full of
tutting students, directors are consulting people like James Kakalios
(author of The Physics of Superheroes no less) to make sure they create
"a believable fake reality." Want to know exactly what that entails?
Well the short answer is entertaining on-screen physics based on
laboratory truths. For the slightly longer, yet no less interesting
answer, tune your spidey sense to the video below.
Us mere mortals might never get radioactive powers, but we can distil
energy from the sun, and that's pretty heroic. This week we saw a new
study come to light that could lead to the improvement of
(PVT) solar systems. Although PVT panels can provide both heat and
power, they're much better suited to the latter. To address this
imbalance, Joshua Pearce from
Michigan Technological University,
along with Michael Pathak and Stephen Harrison outlined a solution that
uses amorphous -- or thin film -- silicon. Despite being lighter,
cheaper and greener, this type of silicon suffers from the
"Staebler-Wronski" effect, where efficiency declines in light. No good
for solar panels obviously.
The new study,
however, discovered that by heating the thin-film silicon to about 100
degrees Celsius (212 Fahrenheit) which is the solar-thermal operating
temperature, the Staebler-Wronski effect was largely negated. A further
10 percent increase in efficiency was achieved by spike annealing --
essentially baking -- the cell once a day. This means that the thermal
energy created by PVT panels is improved, and it also means that, in the
future, they could be used for both purposes, meaning less roof-top
real estate, and a happier planet (and possibly wallet).
From one hot topic, to another: solar flares. This week, of course, many of us were enjoying fourth of July celebrations. reports
that the sun has been putting on its own fireworks display, with
impressive flares being seen firing off from sunspot AR1515. The
eruptions registered in as a class M5.3 solar storm (with X being the
only class higher). The sunspot responsible is about 100,000 kilometers
long (roughly eight times the earth's diameter,) and the flares come at a
particularly active phase of the current 11 year solar cycle, -- which
is expected to peak next year. So, compared to that, San Diego's
"display" this year might look relatively tame.
the sun's energy is generally considered good for most trees, we're not
sure the ones you see below will react in quite the same way. Broken
Hill -- a small mining city in Australia -- has suddenly found itself
surrounded by forest. Not just any old arboreal collection either, these
trees are of the rare "life-size Lego" variety. All part of
Festival of Play
celebrations, the jumbo plastic installation will be in place between
July 2nd and the 12th. The models are "1:1 replicas" of the stuff you
buy, but "super-sized by a factor of 66" says Lego. The group of 13-foot
tall pines are accompanied by 15 flower sets, and cut a distinctive
contrast against the baron red soil of the outback. Most impressively,
it's reported that locals were surprised to see the new synthetic
landscape upon awaking one morning, and were apparently unaware of the
By James Trew posted Jul 8th 2012 4:30PM
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